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How To Choose The Correct Cleaning Rod Length

We love to talk about cleaning gear! When customers contact us asking for assistance in determining the proper cleaning rod length for their rifles, our Technical Service Department is always there to

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How To Choose The Correct Cleaning Rod Length
Bore Tech Chemical Selection Guide

One of the most frequently asked questions received by our Technical Service Department relates to selecting the proper cleaner. Over the years, we have diligently formulated our advanced solutions

Get Better Cleaning Results with Side Spiking

You just received your new Bore Tech order and are excited to clean your firearm. You did your research to ensure that you purchased the proper gear, knowing that everything should work flawlessly.

Why should I choose Proof-Positive®?

I purchased a bottle of your Eliminator™ Bore Cleaner after seeing a lot of great reviews but after using it for the first time I can’t seem to get a clean patch. I have been sc

Centerfire: Choosing The Correct Cleaner

Centerfire: Choosing The Correct Cleaner Bore Tech’s line of premier bore cleaning products includes multiple cleaners that have been specifically formulated to remove even the most sever